Sunday, December 1, 2019

Public Release: MKM version alpha 0.1b

Download Link: MEGA


Added 3 new full grab/ero animations (grabing loop, ero loop 1, 2 & 3, climax and climax loop).
  • Lazy Starfish (beach stage)
  • Naughty Barnacles (beach stage)
  • Spit Bud (forest stage)
Implemented the audio system framework, adding 6 music themes and over 40 sound effects.
  • Many of those SFX are placeholders/temporary, and they will replaced or improved upon in terms of equalization and volume, etc.
  • There are still SFX missing from this release, such as menu navigation for instance.
  • Also there is no voice for Maya as of yet. I want to commission a VA in the future and have a good range of voices both for normal gameplay as well as for the ero animations.
Designed the 1st half of the proper forest stage.
  • The other half will lead to the boss when it's implemented.
Can now cycle trough zoom levels during ero/grab animations, by pressing the CAMERA key (default C key)
  • 3 zoom levels: normal, zoom x1, zoom x2

Fixed controls that couldn't be configured because the game was unpausing when trying to rebind the keys.
Couldn't use the SHIFT keys to bind controls.
Now when binding a key, if that key is already bound on another control they are swapped automatically.
When the player falls into a pit, movement input is now forbidden for a short while after re-spawning.
Display the stage name when switching between stages.
Added better slash effects when hitting enemies.
Fixed a soft-lock state when pausing immediately after a scene load.
Fixed a soft-lock state when returning to the title screen while an ero animation is playing.
Drastically reduced the rate at which health is drained during grab/ero animations (system will be redesigned in the future).
An effect is now played when the player is released from a grab.
Greatly shortened the intro story, removing many lines and summarizing others.
Moving platforms now have spikes underneath them, to signal danger to the player if they stay bellow.
Small parallax effect on the backgrounds for the first level of zoom on the Z axis.
Water bodies now react to objects movement.
Created new options menu: Advanced Options, where the player will be able to toggle some preferences.
Added new advanced option: Turn ON/OFF slowmotion and zoom effect when armor breaks.
Added new advanced option: Turn ON/OFF automatic zoom in during grabs/ero animations.
Lots of minor undocumented fixes/changes.
Removed bulge.