Colorful items and shooting flowers
The background now has some nice parallax scrolling, both horizontal and vertical. It really does change the feel of the game compared to static backgrounds. But since the video is of potato quality and only 30 fps the effect is less noticeable.
I added a couple of target dummies to test damage values and special skills when I create them. Also created a shooting plant because why not? This was basically to see if my enemy framework was ready to receive new enemy types, and it seems like it's working fine as I can easily add new enemy behaviors.
Now the barrels are breakable and I've finished the container framework. That basically means that I can now put chests/barrels/whatever in the game and configure what items they will hold/spawn. Which also means that some early items are also implemented. Quartz will be the "money" of the game and for now there are 2 types of potions.
Lastly there is now a camera "look up" and "look down". It kinda feels like some recent indie 2D platformers are forgetting to include this simple mechanic. Not good when you're on a very vertical level and need to check out what's bellow you.