Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Pixie Panic Garden - Dev Update #1

OK, this is awkward.

Since I waited so long to create a blog for the game (and for my stuff in general really), the very first dev update for the game is... that it is actually finished!

Must be the fastest ero game ever, developed in the smallest amount of time!?... I wish. In the next posts I will go into more detail about the development of PPG, like how long it took, the tools I used, design ideas, cut content, etc, but for now let's just say that it took a... decent amount of time, for its size.

Back on track, Pixie Panic Garden is 100% complete, playable from start to finish. All the stages, enemies, art, animations, CG, otpions, etc are done and the game could be already packaged and delivered to all the corners of the Middle Earth.

Well, "could" is a keyword here because there are a few odds and ends that I have to do before I can release the game. Altough what I can do is release the final version of the demo.

Now if you're coming here from one the many outerwebs, you might not know but I already had some form of location where I showcased the game, and that is the thread on ULMF:

Then again, at this point in time, it is more likely that you're coming from ULMF and already know this, so in that case, welcome! Anyways, bellow is the link to the final demo:!nwgRyJSK!UbzF7-xDFmWRC7yRobwKBxxT4JOPIq4PvaD_RJHjUhs

Next up I will explain a bit about the things that need to be done before PPG is released, so I'll see you in a bit!

PS: I will keep updating the forum thread too, so please don't worry about that. Altough they may not always "sync" in terms of updates, that is, sometimes I will make an update in one place, and the other place may be updated only the next day or something, because I'm lazy busy.

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