Friday, May 4, 2018

Pixie sprite concept based on pokemon games

First off, I somehow managed to delete all comments on the blog. I tought I was simply removing the history of notifications of comments, but nope, deleted the actual comments themselves, because I'm just dumb like that.

I apologize for that, but know that I read them all, and I'm thankful for the feedback and tips you gave me. You know who you are. Also, it won't happen again, promise.

Now I wan't to talk a bit about Pixie's sprite in PPG. When I decided to make a game based off bomberman, there came the problem of choosing how to depict the main character sprite in the game. The first most obvious answer would be to go with bomberman's "chibi" style:

That is a cute style, but since I was going to make erotic sprite animations I felt that going chibi wouldn't allow for much detail. On the other hand, I couldn't go with a more complex style like for instace parasite in city or Demon's Sperm (great games by the way) because I'm still an amateur in pixel art. So I needed sort of a middle ground style: simple enough for me to reasonably draw and animate, while also having a decent amount of detail for ero animations.

Pokemon games! The answer came quite easily, since I played the pokemon games quite a lot when I was a kid. The artsyle is cute, small-ish but still has a huge amount of range of poses and details like facial expression and clothings. Perfect! It will be efortless to use this style in my game, right?

Heh, you know it. Wrong! You see, it goes without saying that those sprites were made by professional artists who have years, to not say decades of experience with pixel art, while I'm just a noob wanting to make a hentai game.

Well, anyways I still tried to go with it and managed to come up with this early concept:

Notice how similar they are? Yep, me neither :-( 

I mean, you can clearly see the influences on clothing and hair, but as the evidence shows I failed miserably to emulate it. But this was a great learning experience and somehow I managed in the end to come up with something that one can say became my very own style. On a next post I'll go a bit more into the learning process of spriting, and how tutorials like Kyrieru's shading tutorial helped me a lot. Thanks for reading, see you next time!


  1. I would love to see your next post about the process of spriting! I'm currently in the position where I love H games and have some experience in flash, but have no idea how to sprite or get very involved in the process of making a game. I'd love to see the steps you took as a new developer to get your game finished.

    Like I mentioned in ULMF, I'm very excited to play your game and am anxiously awaiting the release! Best of luck my friend.

    1. If there is one thing I want to do, it is to inspire other people to just go ahead and make a game. I believe we all win with more good ero games released! Thanks for the comment, and please look out for the sprite post!

    2. I think I'm more easily inspired by someone like yourself that just dove into the development process as a beginner because I can relate better. I even started learning unity and C# since I posted the last message. Keep up the good work.

  2. This game needs to see the light of day.

    1. It is coming my friend, I assure you. Cheers!
